Contrer le renvoi d’exilés parvenus en UK par petit bateau

Contrer le renvoi d’exilés passés en Angleterre par petit bateau

I’m getting in touch today about an issue that we have noticed recently about people who went to the UK by boat. We wondered whether l’Auberge des Migrants might be able to provide any information. We are concerned that there may be an unpublished and unlawful policy about how Dublin III is applied to people who go to the UK by boat. In particular, we have noticed that the Home Office has been relying on Article 13(2) Dublin III to remove people to France. We are looking into challenging such a policy. We wondered whether you had noticed something similar. It would be really helpful if you could provide us with further information about this. In particular, we would be interested in:

-the number of people you have worked with who have been returned to France after going to the UK by boat

-how quickly this happened/timeframes

-any other indicators/trends you have noticed regarding those who went to the UK by boat

 We would also be grateful for as many legal details as you can provide, such as what section of Dublin III the Home Office relied on to remove your clients to France (for example, Article 13(1), Article 13(2) etc). We would be eager to gather your insights on this troubling trend. We would be grateful for any information you can provide about this issue. If you prefer to speak directly, we hope to visit Calais within the coming weeks and would be happy to have a meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions about this or would like to discuss it further, as I would be happy to speak with you about it. Thank you & kind regards,

 Lily Parrott Caseworker
DDI: 02031141319
Fax: 020 7923 3320
Branch:  Harrow